Street of Brains - Halloween 2009
Our Zombie Containment Camp Halloween Party.
Blogging Boardgames, Politics, and Electronic Rights with a philosopher's view.
Our Zombie Containment Camp Halloween Party.
Posted by
6:15 PM
From: File sharing per saldo positieve economische effecten
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Full Report: Currently the 142 page full report is only available in Dutch. I am hoping for an English version soon. Its available at the TNO site.
Posted by
10:18 AM
Small World
It's a World of Slaughter
A World of tears...
It's a World of Dopes
And a World of fears...
There's TOO much that we share
So beware...
It's a Small World after all...
Posted by
9:32 AM
Labels: boardgames
I often am complaining about how technology is evaluated. I am not an Apple fan (except their iPod, which was well designed and a very well thought through device when it was released). A friend of mine sent this to me the other day and it nailed how ludicrous defining good technology has become..... the Apple Wheel.
Posted by
8:25 AM
Labels: Technology
This is a famous debate and while obviously dated, I was watching and pondering whether it applies to modern times. Foucault's point of systems of power, specifically around knowledge, seems to define contemporary times. While western democracy has propagated freedom and rights, knowledge has been constructed as a market "good." Thus, knowledge can be owned in our society and another who accesses another's "knowledge" without permission is a criminal. What I find fascinating in this construction of knowledge is that it is a system, designed or by accident, that oppresses humans via knowledge; and puts the moral blame on the oppressed. This would be analogous to not allowing citizens to read, and any citizen who could read was a criminal and immoral. The mechanisms of knowledge have changed since the 12th century; but the drive to control and own knowledge remain the same.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Posted by
7:46 AM
I realize I haven't posted in a while and that is something I am going to try to be better at. I have been ruminating on many different current issues recently and feel that this is a good place to attempt to articulate my thoughts on where the world is going, specifically the USA (where I live).
It was a relief to have Obama elected as the next President of the USA not because of political views, or promises made presidential candidates (as if the promises meant anything, which they don't as ruled by the Supreme court), or as a correction to our previous administration. My relief in this election is a subtle and refreshing transition in the citizens of this state.
Obama ran on the platform of hope which stands in juxtaposition to the previous administrations platform of fear. America seemingly is fueled by fear. Currently we face many fears: the economy, terrorism, house foreclosing, unemployment, and the safety of our families to name just a few. I was pleasantly surprised that despite the bleak world and how much fear there is in our culture, people came out in mass to say, "I will no longer be afraid, there is hope."
I believe humanity is greatest when it holds hope. My hope is that we maintain our new found hope and fight against political cynicism and fear over the next decade no matter who is in office.
Posted by
5:09 PM
Labels: politics